Daily offers of TEA's Northwest Members' and Partners' surplus electric energy for sale are made pursuant to the Bonneville Power Administration's policy on Determining Net Requirements of Pacific Northwest Utility Customers and the Northwest Power Act, sections 5(b)(1) and 9(c). TEA's Northwest Member and Partner utilities are listed below:
Bids in response to a specific offer will be accepted through 3:00 P.M. on the day that such offer expires and must be submitted in writing via email to Group-Corp-TradingDATradingWest@teainc.org or by facsimile (425-468-1792). If no qualified regional entity accepts an offer made in this manner, as provided in the policy, the surplus electric energy may then be made available for sale to out-of-region entities.
Telephone inquiries related to specific offers may be directed to TEA West marketing desk. Should you have any questions regarding the offer or acceptance procedures, please contact Tu Phan, at 425-460-1105 (email: tphan@teainc.org).
- Benton County PUD
- Clark Public Utilities
- Cowlitz PUD
- Emerald PUD
- Franklin County PUD
- Grays Harbor County PUD
- Klickitat County PUD
- Lewis County PUD
- Pacific County PUD
Bids in response to a specific offer will be accepted through 3:00 P.M. on the day that such offer expires and must be submitted in writing via email to Group-Corp-TradingDATradingWest@teainc.org or by facsimile (425-468-1792). If no qualified regional entity accepts an offer made in this manner, as provided in the policy, the surplus electric energy may then be made available for sale to out-of-region entities.
Telephone inquiries related to specific offers may be directed to TEA West marketing desk. Should you have any questions regarding the offer or acceptance procedures, please contact Tu Phan, at 425-460-1105 (email: tphan@teainc.org).

- *Market price will be determined at the time of request.
- Limits shown above indicate total amount of power available for sale under this preschedule offer.
- Sales will be made on a first come, first served basis, up to the limits available.