
August 18, 2015

American Public Power Association highlights TEA’s value to community-owned utilities!

American Public Power Association highlights TEA's value to community-owned utilities!
March 18, 2015

TEA Solutions announces new contract with Energy Keepers, Inc

TEA Solutions, Inc. (TEA Solutions) is pleased to announce that it will begin providing services to Energy Keepers, Inc. for the Kerr Hydroelectric Project of Montana in September of 2015. Energy Keepers, Inc., a corporation of the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes, is TEA Solutions’ first client.
September 19, 2016

TEA partners with The University of California to expand in CAISO

The Energy Authority (TEA), the strategic partner for public power, is pleased to announce its expansion in the California ISO through its services to the University of California (UC) system.